Mental Coach – How many times you wished to become a Mental Coach? Have you ever tried a Coaching School that allowed you to obtain the indispensable Mental Coach Certification?
The Italian School of Sport Coaching also this year will opens its doors with a series of unmissable formative events.
The special location will once again Milan, Rome, Rimini, Pescara and Turin >> consult the Course calendar <<
The school to become Mental Coach will last seven consecutive days (a true path full immersion) and will allow to learn to manage the Mental Coaching sessions Individual and in team as well as learn all the secrets of Sports Coaching Professional.
The course, recognized by the Association Coaching Italy, will be held in compliance with the high-quality standards of the recent Law of 14 January 2013 N. 4 and it allow you enroll, without further examination, in the “National Register of Professional Coach A.Co.I. “
The path of study, organized with specific reference to the theoretical and experiential training, alternates moments of theoretical study to practical learning sessions; the dynamic aspects of the formation and the relationship within the group will become so a great opportunity to mature the essential and concrete experience. >> Please visit the specific program<<
During the course, by the teaching plane who deepens all the Mental Coaching theory and by the proven experience off all the teachers, you will learn:
- increase motivation
- govern stress
- define goals
- improve the state of Flow
- train the personal potential
- refine the concentration
- reduce anxiety
- increase the tenacity and persistence
- improve endurance
- preparing the athlete mentally for the race
- accompany the athlete in the “before and after” race
The Course for Mental Coach allow to put yourself inside teams and groups and to conduct a Mental Coaching relationships with athletes, coaches, sports administrators and all those who, in various capacities, work in the world of sport.
The School to become Mental Coach not intended only at psychologists, coaches, professional athletes and instructors, but also to all those who simply wish to discover the secrets of the Mental Coaching.
If you’ll like to became a Mental Coach fill out the form on the right side and we will contact you us soon is possible.
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